Indonesian foreign policy

The underwhelming defence ties between Indonesia and China”, IISS Online Analysis, May 3, 2024

China making inroads with grey zone tactics against Indonesia”, The Straits Times, 15 July 2022

Not all maritime disputes are built the same”, The Interpreter, Apr 25, 2022

Stuck in Second Gear: Indonesia's Strategic Dilemma in the Indo-Pacific”, ISEAS Perspective, 2021

The South China Sea: Realities and Responses in Southeast Asia,” Asia Society Policy Institute, 2021

Indonesia is in denial over China's maritime grey zone tactics”, The Straits Times, Dec 14, 2021

Indonesia Unprepared as Great Powers Clash in Indo-Pacific”, Foreign Policy, Aug 26, 2021

Advancing the US-Indonesia defence relationship”, East Asia Forum, Jan 19, 2021

Australia's strategic appetite should take more account of Indonesia”, East Asia Forum, Jul 19, 2020

Why Indonesia won’t let Beijing forget the Philippines’ South China Sea arbitration win”, South China Morning Post, Jun 2, 2020

Indonesia, China, and the Natuna Linchpin,” The Diplomat Magazine, Issue 64 (March 2020).

Beijing's dubious claims undermine Indonesia's role as South China Sea's honest broker”, South China Morning Post, Jan 20, 2020

Indonesia needs new strategy to deal with China”, The Jakarta Post, Jan 8, 2020

Indonesia as "Global Maritime Fulcrum": A Post-Mortem Analysis”, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, November 8, 2019

Should China be concerned about Indonesia’s new defence minister, Prabowo Subianto?”, South China Morning Post, October 28, 2019.

"Flawed Assumptions: Why the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific is Defective”, AsiaGlobal Online, September 19, 2019.

Indonesian foreign policy needs to focus more on impact than process”, The Jakarta Post, Dec 15, 2018

Will religious sectarianism change Indonesian foreign policy?”, The Strategist, Dec 11, 2018

Buck-passing from behind: Indonesia's foreign policy and the Indo-Pacific”, Order from Chaos (Brookings Institution), Nov 27, 2018

Why does it matter to Indonesia if Australia moves its embassy to Jerusalem?”, The Strategist, Nov 23, 2018

Indonesia's Indo-Pacific vision is a call for ASEAN to stick together instead of picking sides”, South China Morning Post, Nov 20, 2018

"Promises and pitfalls of Indonesia's faith in multilateralism", The Jakarta Post, February 1, 2018

"An Indo-Pacific construct with 'Indonesian characteristics'," The Strategist, February 6, 2018

"Indonesia-US relations: sweating the small stuff", The Interpreter, January 9, 2018

"Indonesia: strategic threat or strategic partner?", The Strategist, January 17, 2018

"Why Indonesia’s new map is not (all) about the South China Sea", The Strategist, August 1, 2017

"Foreign policy implications of Jakarta's election", The Jakarta Post, June 7, 2017

"The (maritime) recalibration of Indonesia-Australia defence relations", The Strategist, March 23, 2017

"Indonesian Sea Policy: Accelerating Jokowi's Global Maritime Fulcrum?," Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, March 23, 2017

"Should Indonesia and Australia jointly patrol the South China Sea?," The Jakarta Post, March 13, 2017

"In Indo-Pacific strategic flux, where is Indonesia?," The Jakarta Post, February 27, 2017

"Indonesia-Australia relations and the perils of success", The Jakarta Post, Jan. 30, 2017

"Will a trump presidency be disastrous for Indonesia?," The Jakarta Post, Nov. 14, 2016

"How do we know a successful foreign policy when we see one?," The Jakarta Post, Oct. 25, 2016

"How do we engage a hegemonic China?," The Jakarta Post, October 12, 2016

"Is Indonesia militarizing the South China Sea?, The Jakarta Post, July 11, 2016

"A post-non-claimant South China Sea policy," The Jakarta Post, June 20, 2016

"Here's why Jakarta doesn't push back when China barges into Indonesian waters," Washington Post's Monkey Cage, April 28, 2016

"Jakarta left all at sea by island clash with China," New Mandala, April 5, 2016

"The domestic politics of Jakarta's South China Sea policy," The Interpreter, April 1, 2016

"Strategi politik luar negeri menghadapi NIIS," Kompas, January 20, 2016

"Perubahan arus lingkungan strategis Indonesia," Kompas, December 9, 2015

"A way forward for Indonesia-Australia relations," The Interpreter, May 28, 2105

"Indonesia’s new president can deepen cooperation with United States and Europe," GMF Transatlantic Take, August 15, 2014.

"Why there is no new ‘maritime dispute’ between Indonesia and China," The Strategist, April 4, 2014

"Jakarta Eyes the South China Sea,” The Diplomat, 23 February 2011

"Indonesia’s quest for a ‘middle way’ for Myanmar", Today Newspaper, Apr 29, 2010

"U.S., Indonesia must avoid false promises and pitfalls", World Politics Review, 26 March 2010

"Challenges for Indonesia’s foreign policy in transition", Today Newspaper, Feb 27, 2010

"The 'Yudhoyono paradox'", Today Newspaper, Jan 30, 2010

"RI’s changing geo-strategic currents", The Jakarta Post, January 9, 2010

"Indonesia’s pivotal role in the US’s grand strategy", The Jakarta Post, Oct 6, 2009

"Defence pact: Getting the message across", The Straits Times, Jul 20, 2007

Indonesian military and national security

What Indonesia's retail approach to defence modernisation means”, IISS Military Balance Blog, Sep 18, 2023

Not Fading Away: Retired Military Officers in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia”, LSE Southeast Asia Blog, Sep 15, 2022 (with Terence Lee)

Indonesia's Military Modernization Must Go Beyond New Hardware”, World Politics Review, Jul 8, 2021

How 'militarized' is Indonesia's COVID-19 management?”, The Jakarta Post, May 27, 2020 (with Rage Taufika)

Pandemic policing lessons from India”, The Jakarta Post, Apr 29, 2020

Why the COVID-19 pandemic was a 'strategic surprise' for Indonesia”, The Jakarta Post, Apr 13, 2020

How do we know a successful defense minister when we see one?”, The Jakarta Post, November 19, 2019

The military and strategic implications of Indonesia's new capital”, The Strategist, November 6, 2019

Prabowo's Uphill Tasks as Indonesia's New Defense Minister”, The Diplomat, October 31, 2019 (with Curie Maharani)

Jokowi Offers Prabowo a Piece of the Pie”, Foreign Policy, October 31, 2019 (with Aaron Connelly)

Is Indonesia's military eyeing the republic?”, The New York Times, April 12, 2019

Is Indonesia heading towards a "militarized democracy"?”, The Jakarta Post, Mar 21, 2019

Journey to the east? The rebalancing of Indonesia's force structure”, The Strategist, Feb 8, 2019

Military personnel problems need more than quick fixes”, The Jakarta Post, Feb 1, 2019

Why Indonesia’s New Natuna Base Is Not about Deterring China”, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, January 29, 2019

Indonesia has a stake in Australia's Lombrum plans too”, The Interpreter, Dec 7, 2018

Is Indonesia Australia's 'most important' security partner?”, The Strategist, Oct 15, 2018

Ending the era of defensiveness between Indonesia and Australian forces”, Australian Financial Review, Oct 5, 2018

Deadly attacks a sign of Indonesia's changing terror landscape?”, The Strategist, May 15, 2018

"Are military assistance programs important for US–Indonesia ties?", East Asia Forum, Apr 18, 2018

"Is an Indonesian Air Defense Identification Zone forthcoming?", Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, April 10, 2018

"Why do retired officers run for local office?", The Jakarta Post, Mar 15, 2018

"What can we expect from Indonesia's new defense chief?", The Strategist, Dec 13, 2017

"Can Hadi Tjahjanto juggle competing forces?", The Jakarta Post, Dec 14, 2017

"Unpacking Indonesia's civil–military relations under Jokowi", The Strategist, Oct 31, 2017

"Strategi diplomasi pertahanan maritim", Kompas, October 20, 2016

"Pola Mutasi Perwira TNI", Kompas, August 6, 2016

"TNI dan Penanggulangan Terorisme", Kompas, March 19, 2016

"Paradoks pada Industri Pertahanan", Kompas, February 17, 2016

"Perubahan arus lingkungan strategis Indonesia", Kompas, December 9, 2015

"Indonesia's modernizing military", Foreign Affairs, September 3, 2015

Indonesia’s strategic thinking: breaking out of its shell?", Regional Security Outlook 2015

"Time to move on from 'military reform' (Part 2 of 2)", The Jakarta Post, Sept. 16, 2014

"From 'military reform' to 'defense transformation' (Part 1 of 2)", The Jakarta Post, September 15, 2014

"Beyond defense modernization", The Jakarta Post, June 11, 2014

"The Hidden Challenges of Indonesia’s Defence Modernisation", RUSI Newsbrief, Vol. 34, No. 3 (2014): pp. 17-19

"Academic freedom and defense policy", The Jakarta Post, July 23 2012

"The 'strategic trinity' of national defense", The Jakarta Post, Feb 2, 2012

"Thinking beyond Kopassus: Why US Security Assistance to Indonesia Needs Recalibrating", Asia Pacific Bulletin, Sep 17, 2010

"Resurrecting the National Corvette program?", Asia Pacific Defence Reporter, Vol. 36, No. 4 (2010): pp. 26--28

"The Indonesian Defence Forces and Disaster Relief: Potential Pitfalls and Challenges", RSIS Commentary, Nov 29, 2010

"Re-engagement with Kopassus", The Jakarta Post, July 28, 2010

"To vote or not to vote, that is not the question", Today Newspaper, Jun 28, 2010

"The rise of Indonesia’s ‘accidental guerillas’?", Today Newspaper, May 26, 2010

"Reinterpreting the Total Defense System", The Jakarta Post, May 19, 2010

"Defense and leaders transformation", The Jakarta Post, May 12, 2010

"Military postings are now less political", The Straits Times, Feb 1, 2010

"The missing nuts and bolts of defense reform", The Jakarta Post, Jan 27, 2010

"Defense reforms for 2010-14: Men over materiel?", The Jakarta Post, Jan 3, 2010

"Indonesia’s defence outlook: Rocky road to renewal", Today Newspaper, Dec 5, 2009

"Climate change is also defense and security problem", The Jakarta Post, Nov 2, 2009

New house, new rules”, Today Newspaper, October 24, 2009

"Democracy and the 'remilitarization' of the TNI", The Jakarta Post, Oct 20, 2009

"Gearing up for "three-block war", The Jakarta Post, Oct 9, 2009

"Terrorism and RI's military effectiveness", The Jakarta Post , Sep 7, 2009

"Will the state secrecy bill suffocate the TNI?", The Jakarta Post, Aug 27, 2009

"Politicizing military history: A monumental mistake", The Jakarta Post, Mar 12, 2009

"Seeking a strategic, professional military institution", The Jakarta Post, Oct 14, 2008

"Reform recruitment policy to aid RI's military budget", The Jakarta Post, Dec 9, 2008

"Post-Suharto Indonesia: can a miltary coup happen?", RSIS Commentary, Nov 9, 2008

"Indonesian military returns to politics?", The Jakarta Post, Aug 12, 2008

"Going beyond cash, guns and ballots", The Straits Times, May 9, 2008

"JI's New Military Division: A Preliminary Assessment", RSIS Commentary, Apr 27, 2007

"Is Poso all about JI? The roots of the Conflict", RSIS Commentary, Mar 23, 2007

Asian security

South Korea’s defence relations in Southeast Asia”, IISS Online Analysis, Sep 29, 2023

The South China Sea talks between ASEAN and China”, IISS Online Analysis, Aug 21, 2023

The Sierra Madre stand-off: What can the Philippines do against China?”, The Straits Times, Aug 21, 2023

Are Southeast Asian states balancing against China?”, The Straits Times, May 30, 2023.

Why there are no grand alliances in Asia”, Australian Financial Review, Nov 26, 2021

AUKUS mixed reception a symptom of strategic fault-lines in Southeast Asia”, East Asia Forum, Oct 17, 2021

ASEAN's Future Will Be Decided in Myanmar”, Foreign Policy, Jun 21, 2021

Brunei’s Visit to Myanmar: No Time to Run Down the Clock”, Fulcrum, Jun 4, 2021

Forget Asean bureaucracy, Brunei must decide on Myanmar special envoy with urgency”, South China Morning Post, May 5, 2021

Can the ASEAN Leaders Meeting Address the Crisis in Myanmar?”, The Diplomat, Apr 23, 2021 (with Lina Alexandra)

Strategic stakes running high in ASEAN summit on Myanmar”, The Jakarta Post, Apr 7, 2021

Myanmar crisis: will Indonesia's pleas to China, Japan and the US be heard?”, South China Morning Post, Mar 29, 2021

Myanmar crisis highlights need to revamp ASEAN Charter”, The Jakarta Post, Mar 10, 2021 (with Andrew Mantong)

Defence Diplomacy in ASEAN: Running in Circles?”, RSIS Commentary, Mar 8, 2021

"The odd man in: contemplating Australian membership of ASEAN", The Strategist, April 4, 2018

"Why ASEAN needs to decentralize regionalism", The Jakarta Post, October 13, 2017

"Time to consider refinancing options for the ASEAN secretariat", The Strategist, November 10, 2017

"Timor-Leste, Australia, and Asia's contested maritime order", The Jakarta Post, September 22, 2017

"Boost ASEAN's own security web", The Jakarta Post, August 8, 2017

"ASEAN and the mud on the US–China strategic lens," The Strategist, May 9, 2017

"Should Washington rearm Southeast Asia against China?", The Jakarta Post, Feb 8, 2017

"A growing strategic impasse in the Indo-Pacific?," IISS Shangri-La Voices, July 8, 2016

"How Washington can restore strategic reassurance in Asia," The Jakarta Post, Dec. 6, 2016

"Can there be ASEAN centrality without unity?," The Jakarta Post, September 6, 2016

"Why international law cannot rule over the South China Sea," The Jakarta Post, July 25, 2016

"Bracing for the `game of thrones' in Asia's future", The Jakarta Post, Nov 19, 2011

"Sketching out a future ASEAN-NATO partnership,” The Jakarta Post, July 26, 2011

"Climate change can strain region's security", The Straits Times, December 16, 2010

"Is China failing SE Asia's litmus test?," The Jakarta Post,  June 7, 2010

"Asia's 'Holy Grail' of regional architecture”, The Jakarta Post, March 31, 2010